Jul 24, 2022
Awaiting the Blessed Hope
By: Heath Ulmer
Series: Team Jesus
Today's message is one of hope. In these days of an ever darkening world, where things look bleak and out of control, the believer has a firm foundation, an anchor to hold us firm in our faith. That Rock is Jesus, and the Blessed Hope we have in His return. Please join us for this wonderful and uplifting message.
- Jul 24, 2022Awaiting the Blessed Hope
Jul 24, 2022Awaiting the Blessed HopeBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusToday's message is one of hope. In these days of an ever darkening world, where things look bleak and out of control, the believer has a firm foundation, an anchor to hold us firm in our faith. That Rock is Jesus, and the Blessed Hope we have in His return. Please join us for this wonderful and uplifting message.
- Jul 17, 2022Are we really in the last days? Pt. 7
Jul 17, 2022Are we really in the last days? Pt. 7By: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusToday's message brings to a close Pastor Heath's series of "Are we really in the last days?" In today's message, we look at the last sign of the times indicating that we are, indeed, in the last days. Please join us for this wonderful, and heartfelt, message.
- Jul 10, 2022Are we really in the last days? Pt. 6
Jul 10, 2022Are we really in the last days? Pt. 6By: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusOur message continues as we look at how close we are to the "last days". In this message, Pastor Heath shows us how Jesus told His disciples what to look for near the end of days, and as we look around us today, we clearly see those things happening. We need to look up, for our redemption draws near!
- Jul 3, 2022Are we really in the last days? Pt. 5
Jul 3, 2022Are we really in the last days? Pt. 5By: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusIn this week's message, Pastor Heath looks at the globalist agenda and how it fits perfectly into God's Word. God's Word tells the believer exactly what is happening in our world today, even though it was written almost two thousand years ago. God is the One who tells the end from the beginning, giving His people the information they need to be His servants, His salt and light in an ever darkening world. Join us for this important message.
- Jun 26, 2022Are we really in the last days? Pt. 4
Jun 26, 2022Are we really in the last days? Pt. 4By: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusWe continue in our look at where we are in the timeline of the last days. Today we look at the "hook" in the jaw of Gog that will bring him to invade a land of unwalled cities to take plunder. Join us for this informative and timely message.
- Jun 19, 2022Are we really in the last days? Pt. 3
Jun 19, 2022Are we really in the last days? Pt. 3By: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusWe continue our look at where we are in the timeline of the Last Days. Today, Pastor Heath shows us the reason for the Tabernacle and for the Temple, how that purpose was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Join us for this wonderful message.
- Jun 12, 2022Are We Really in the Last Days? Pt. 2
Jun 12, 2022Are We Really in the Last Days? Pt. 2By: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusPastor Heath continues in his look at our location in the end times, asking "Are We Really in the Last Days?". Today's look is at the prophecy fulfillment surrounding Israel and their place in history, especially regarding the end times. This is part two of a five part series.
- Jun 5, 2022Are We Really In The Last Days?
Jun 5, 2022Are We Really In The Last Days?By: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusAs we look at the headlines and we ponder what on earth is going on, we have to wonder, "Are We Really In The Last Days?" Pastor Heath leads us through a look at 2 Peter 3:1-3, and brings together the threads to show us what is really happening in the world today. Join us for this informative, and motivating message.
- May 29, 2022Are you a living well?
May 29, 2022Are you a living well?By: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusWe continue in our message series in the book of 2 Peter with a sermon entitled "Are You a Living Well?" As disciples of Christ we are called to be ambassadors, we are called to be salt and light in a dark and terrible place. We are called to take the truth of the Gospel to all nations. Join us for this powerful and uplifting message.
- May 22, 2022The wages of unrighteousness
May 22, 2022The wages of unrighteousnessBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusIn our message today, Pastor Heath continues our look at 2 Peter and the false teachers, and false believers in the church. This message looks at the wages they will pay when they stand before our Lord on that Day, the Day of the Lord. Join us for this powerful message.