- Jun 28, 2015Who Really Crucified Christ?
Jun 28, 2015Who Really Crucified Christ?By: Heath UlmerSeries: The Gospel of LukeIn today's message, Pastor looks at who is really responsible for putting Christ on the cross. Won't you please join us in this very topical and current message - the answer will really change your life.
- Jun 14, 2015The Beauty of Grace
Jun 14, 2015The Beauty of GraceBy: Heath UlmerSeries: The Gospel of Luke
In today's message, Pastor Heath shows us the beautiful and powerful examples of God's wonderful, amazing grace. Through it, we as followers of Christ are truly free. Please Join us for this wonderful and empowering message.
- Jun 7, 2015Awake To Righteousness
Jun 7, 2015Awake To RighteousnessBy: Heath UlmerSeries: The Gospel of Luke
In today's message, Pastor Heath calls on Christians to hear the message of Jesus, be awake in their faith, and live lives according to His message. May we as Christ's followers stand before Him and give a good account of our lives and not be ashamed - presenting ourselves as approved workmen for His sake.
- May 31, 2015The Lamb Without Blemish
May 31, 2015The Lamb Without BlemishBy: Heath UlmerSeries: The Gospel of Luke
In today's message, Pastor Heath takes us through the scripture that points out Jesus' status as the "Passover Lamb"--That Lamb without blemish through whom we all must enter to find salvation. Join us in this enlightening message.
- May 24, 2015The King’s Peace Mission
May 24, 2015The King’s Peace MissionBy: Heath UlmerSeries: The Gospel of Luke
In today's message, Pastor Heath teaches on the heart of belief and its true understanding of the disciple to do God's will. In this message, the Kingship and Lordship of Jesus Christ is highlighted. Join us in this powerful and very important message.
- May 17, 2015The Only Faith That Saves
May 17, 2015The Only Faith That SavesBy: Heath UlmerSeries: The Gospel of Luke
In today's message, Pastor Heath teaches on "Saving Faith" and what it really means to believe in Jesus. Do you know what it takes to answer the question "Why should I get into Heaven?"
- May 10, 2015The Enemy Never Quits
May 10, 2015The Enemy Never QuitsBy: Heath UlmerSeries: The Gospel of Luke
In today's message, Pastor Heath walks us through Luke 17 as Jesus explains to His disciples the pitfalls they - and we - must avoid in our service to Him. Please join us as we explore God's Word and understand how it applies to our daily lives.
- May 3, 2015The Greatest Question Answered
May 3, 2015The Greatest Question AnsweredBy: Heath UlmerSeries: The Gospel of Luke
In today's message, Pastor Heath shares the answer to an age-old question - "What is the meaning of life?" This message inspires us to discuss some very "hot" topics. Please join us in this very important message.
- Apr 26, 2015No Easy Street To Salvation II
Apr 26, 2015No Easy Street To Salvation IIBy: Heath UlmerSeries: The Gospel of Luke
In today's message, Pastor Heath continues in the message that there is no "Easy Street" to salvation. True salvation comes only through brokenness, repentance, true confession of sin, and acknowledgment that only through Christ is there salvation. Please join us in this extremely important message.
- Apr 19, 2015No Easy Street To Salvation
Apr 19, 2015No Easy Street To SalvationBy: Heath UlmerSeries: The Gospel of Luke
In today's message, Pastor Heath lays out the truth that there is "No Easy Street to Salvation". To be a true disciple of Christ, there is a great cost. Please join us today and hear this very important and truly life changing message.
- Jun 28, 2015Who Really Crucified Christ?
- Jun 14, 2015The Beauty of Grace
- Jun 7, 2015Awake To Righteousness
- May 31, 2015The Lamb Without Blemish
- May 24, 2015The King’s Peace Mission
- May 17, 2015The Only Faith That Saves
- May 10, 2015The Enemy Never Quits
- May 3, 2015The Greatest Question Answered
- Apr 26, 2015No Easy Street To Salvation II
- Apr 19, 2015No Easy Street To Salvation