Aug 19, 2018
The End of the church age: The Nation of Israel
By: Heath Ulmer
Series: Study in Revelation
Beginning today, Pastor Heath will be going over some of the signs of the times and showing the events that will happen between the end of the Church age and the beginning of the time of tribulation. Please join us for these important and very interesting messages.
- Aug 19, 2018The End of the church age: The Nation of Israel
Aug 19, 2018The End of the church age: The Nation of IsraelBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Study in RevelationBeginning today, Pastor Heath will be going over some of the signs of the times and showing the events that will happen between the end of the Church age and the beginning of the time of tribulation. Please join us for these important and very interesting messages.
- Aug 12, 2018The Lukewarm Church
Aug 12, 2018The Lukewarm ChurchBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Study in RevelationToday's message completes our study of the Seven Churches written to by Christ in the beginning of the book of Revelation. These messages encompass all the churches - and each one of us as believers. Pastor Heath encourages us all to examine ourselves and to see which one we are. Join us for the important and inspiring message.
- Aug 5, 2018The Faithful Church – The Calling
Aug 5, 2018The Faithful Church – The CallingBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Study in RevelationIn today's message, Pastor Heath brings up the faithful church - this message is a strong one - asking what God to we truly believe in? Join us for this powerful message.
- Jul 22, 2018Barely Alive
Jul 22, 2018Barely AliveBy: Rich SampleSeries: Study in RevelationIn today's message, Rich takes us through Revelation Chapter 3, verses 1 through 6. The letter to the church at Sardis. This is a very good message for each Christian to hear and to really understand what the Spirit is saying. Join us please for this wonderful message.
- Jul 15, 2018The Corrupt Church
Jul 15, 2018The Corrupt ChurchBy: Gordon PhillipsSeries: Study in RevelationToday's message is a study of the corrupt church - a church that on the outside gave every indication of being dedicated and working for Christ, but on the inside was serving another master. Please join us for this important message.
- Jul 8, 2018The Compromising Church
Jul 8, 2018The Compromising ChurchBy: Gordon PhillipsSeries: Study in RevelationIn today's message Gordon reviews the letter from Christ to the church at Pergamos, and how they have drifted from the true gospel and have allowed their church to be compromised. This message is so relevant to our everyday lives, please join us.
- Jul 1, 2018The Church of Smyrna: Has Persecution Come Your Way?
Jul 1, 2018The Church of Smyrna: Has Persecution Come Your Way?By: Heath UlmerSeries: Study in RevelationDue to a technical malfunction, today's message was not recorded. The audio is from last weeks message.Pastor Heath shared with us what it means to be a church that is fulfilling the Great Commission, that of making disciples, and in doing that, being faithful to that calling, enduring persecution. Revelation 2:8-11
- Jun 24, 2018The completed vision by way of a rebuke from God!
Jun 24, 2018The completed vision by way of a rebuke from God!By: Heath UlmerSeries: Study in RevelationToday's message is an encouragement by way of a rebuke. Christ is calling each believer to return to our first love, to seek out the lost and to give them the message of the Good News. Join us for this hard, but honest message.
- Jun 17, 2018Vision of the Son of Man
Jun 17, 2018Vision of the Son of ManBy: Gordon PhillipsSeries: Study in RevelationIn today's message, Gordon fills in for Pastor Heath with a study of Revelation 1:9-20, titled "Vision of the Son of Man". In this message the stage is set for the coming messages we will read, that are sent to the seven churches and the seven pastors - these messages are from the living and glorified Christ. Please join us for this wonderful message.
- Jun 10, 2018The Day Every Eye Will See Christ!
Jun 10, 2018The Day Every Eye Will See Christ!By: Heath UlmerSeries: Study in RevelationToday's message continues Pastor Heath's examination of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Today's message opens our eyes to just what this revelation will be like, what we will see in that day. Please join us for this wonderful and powerful message.