Jul 23, 2023
The Truth Of God’s Word In An Ugly Situation
By: Heath Ulmer
Series: Team Jesus
Our Message today is hard, no doubt about it, but it is something that needs to be dealt with and explained in full. The first obedience of the Church is to Christ, it is His and He died for it. To keep the Body pure and without wrinkle is what we are called to do.
Please join us for this wonderful message.
- Jul 23, 2023The Truth Of God’s Word In An Ugly Situation
Jul 23, 2023The Truth Of God’s Word In An Ugly SituationBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusOur Message today is hard, no doubt about it, but it is something that needs to be dealt with and explained in full. The first obedience of the Church is to Christ, it is His and He died for it. To keep the Body pure and without wrinkle is what we are called to do. Please join us for this wonderful message.
- Jul 16, 2023Because Of Then Cross
Jul 16, 2023Because Of Then CrossBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusAs we close out our study in the Book of Philippians, we look at Paul's closing words and reflect on the lessons he taught us throughout our study. Our lives should be about showing Christ to everyone we meet, living the Gospel. We can only do that through being truly born again, and by submitting our lives to sanctification. Join us for this wonderful message.
- Jul 9, 2023Can we really do all things through Christ
Jul 9, 2023Can we really do all things through ChristBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusIn our message today Pastor Heath takes a look at Philippians 4:13 and asks "Can we really do all things through Christ?" This verse is sorely overused and taken out of context. Today we seek to understand what the true meaning is. Join us for this insightful and meaningful message.
- Jul 2, 2023Some Good Advice From Paul
Jul 2, 2023Some Good Advice From PaulBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusOur look in Philippians today covers verses 2 through 7. Paul encourages the church at Philippi to be united in the Gospel. That they should labor together in gentleness and with a unified spirit, remembering that it is the Gospel that is important, not our personal pride or desires.
- Jun 25, 2023The Cost Of Standing Fast.
Jun 25, 2023The Cost Of Standing Fast.By: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusIn today's message, Pastor Heath gives us a clear look at what is coming our way when we stand fast for God's truth. We will be falsely accused of being bigots, haters, and even white supremacists if we stand on God's word. But stand fast Christian, hold on to the truth of God's Word. Know that to Live is Christ, and to die is gain.
- Jun 18, 2023Why We Need To Stand Fast
Jun 18, 2023Why We Need To Stand FastBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusOh this Father's Day 2023, we come together to praise and honor our Father, our Abba Father. Who's faithfulness, mercy and grace has washed us and sanctified us, and has justified us, through Our Savior Jesus Christ.In our message today, we look at the condition of the world around us and we see that, more than ever, we need to be a people of prayer, we need to truly love our neighbors. We need to share the Gospel with them.Stand on the Rock, Brothers and Sisters, He will hold us in the storm.
- Jun 11, 2023If Not Us…Who?
Jun 11, 2023If Not Us…Who?By: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusIn today's message Pastor Heath asks who will stand for Christ, who will stand for the truth in this evil and broken generation. As believers, we are called to stand in Christ, to be His salt and light in the darkness.Jesus is our anchor when everything else is falling away, when there is not firm ground to stand on, Jesus is our firm foundation. Let's stand fast and share the Gospel to this generation before it is too late.
- Jun 4, 2023Let Us Press Forward
Jun 4, 2023Let Us Press ForwardBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusToday's message is a call for believers to not grow complacent in their walk with the Lord. To not get to the point where their view is back to what "has been done", but to look forward to what is still to be done. As believers our every thought should be to reach forward to those things which are ahead, to press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
- May 28, 2023To Be Found In Christ
May 28, 2023To Be Found In ChristBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusOh! to be found in the loving arms of Christ! What peace, what beauty, what blissful freedom.In our message today, Pastor Heath takes us through Philippians 3:1-11 and we look at how Paul describes the believer's freedom when they are found in Christ. Join us, won't you, for this wonderful message.
- May 21, 2023What Would The Bible Say About You
May 21, 2023What Would The Bible Say About YouBy: Heath UlmerSeries: Team JesusIn this week's message, Pastor Heath asks us the question, "What would the Bible say about you?" Throughout Scripture, there are names of those who were faithful to God and lived lives that brought glory and honor to Him, and others who are forever written in shame and infamy.If the story of your life was written in Scripture, what it say about you?